Hub “Green foundations”, Green Forum, Ecohome, Green Party of Belarus are announcing a call for participants for the Energy Conference: Energy for the local communities: energy cooperatives as a part of just transition for Belarus and Eastern Europe
With this activity, we aim to empower local communities by bringing shared understanding and knowledge of existing forms of economic relations based on green values, and start discussion on ways of long term solutions. Our main focus is on finding sustainable solutions for New Belarus; however, the discussed approaches can be equally interesting and useful in all countries of Eastern Europe, aiming at transition to Green energy.
Together with different actors we will:
Explore European green deal and its meaning to Eastern Europe
Bring forward the debate on transition towards just and decarbonised design of the economy.
Identify community-led energy examples from different countries of Eastern Europe
Explore Gender dimension in the energy-related local projects
Start developing the infrastructure for the roadmap for the energy revolution
Who should apply?
If you come from the countries of Eastern Partnership and Belarus, are interested in the abovementioned topics, green and social transition in general, and would like to attend the event, you are welcome to apply!
We encourage applications reflecting diversity in all forms!
The main language of this activity will be Russian, with the possibility of the English translation.
The full costs related to travel and accommodation will be covered by organisers and reimbursed on spot. Breakfast and Lunch will also be provided by the organisers.
We are closely following the development of the situation and we are envisioning the event to take place live. For the safety of everyone we will require PCR tests that will be covered by the organizers.